Placebo Effect

Placebo Effect is when a patient gets cured just with the thought of being cured. Sometimes we just get cured by visiting a Doctor and taking generic medicines. It is about the impact of the mind on our bodies and health. Plenty of factors decide our fate and most of those factors are not in our hands. The mind is a strong tool to feel positive and negate all the mishappenings. 

The Mind is also a dangerous tool to cause a Nocebo effect where the negative thoughts lead to a patient feeling worse and getting worse.

It is our mind that controls our health in many ways. Stress is a constant factor in everyone’s life but how you cope with it decides how well you can survive it. Your stress busters decide the effect. For some people Meditation heals them, whereas for others small things in life like sitting with their kids and sipping their coffee heals them. While some take it positively , others sulk and get frustrated.

Watching a movie could be my way to escape from boring reality. Some people escape in their magical imagination while reading a book. They come back rejuvenated and ready to explore new ways of finding happiness and new coping mechanisms.

So constantly tell your mind is All izz well. It works. The mind then fools your body into believing that all izz well and you stay on your feet and you have all the energy you’d hope for.

Life is about living. Living to the fullest. Going with the flow. When you start controlling things and keeping them rigid, that’s when the problem starts. Let it flow like the river and let it blow like the wind, Boundless and infinite without worrying about the direction or destination. The journey is more important.