
Happiness is in small things. Small things that we do randomly everyday We all tend to take these small fractions of happiness for granted. We are all waiting for that big happiness or that big day to celebrate. The big day that might come and it might not be that much fun. Hence stop waiting and celebrate now. Eat, Drink and Laugh your heart out now. Whenever you get a chance to do something crazy just do not let it go.


Small things like a big hug from your child or a big smile on your child’s face. That feeling of eating ice-cream or chocolates. That random song that suddenly plays on the radio and brings a smile on your face..A random act of kindness by a stranger who lets you jump the queue or offers you an umbrella in the rain. A random act of giving away your prized possession or just randomly throwing away something you treasured.


I used to think that being rich and famous leads to happiness but then I saw many rich and famous people telling us that they were not happy and they were still seeking happiness. The seeking will never stop. We will never cease to exist and hence we will keep trying to find something. As Rumi rightly says “What you seek is seeking you”.


Happiness is inside you. Happiness is not affected by outer factors if you always choose to be happy. Like a child.. A child is happy irrespective of everything. Sometimes happiness is connected to sadness, Although both are contrasting emotions , I enjoy listening to sad songs and shedding tears of joy.

We are in love with the feeling of being happy and that feeling does not depend on another person. That feeling does not need approval or acknowledgement  from others. It is just there. That feeling needs to be unearthed by doing what makes us happy. It can be anything. Anything that makes you happy. Watching your favourite movie or eating your favourite food. Just indulge in it if it makes you happy.


The world needs more happy people because happiness is infectious and healthy. The more the merrier, Happiness adds a bit of craziness to your day. Happy people take positive decisions and are rarely skeptical. A happy world leads to brilliant outcomes and people performing to the best of their caliber because if you are not happy then you are not productive. If you are not happy then you are just dragging yourself through life. Create Happiness and spread it. It is really easy. Sometimes just a random silly joke can change the whole atmosphere of a place.Be random, be happy and be optimistic.